Total Money Magnetism - New Huge Converter

 Total Money Magnetism is a program that claims to be a new, huge converter in the field of personal development. This program is designed to help people change their mindset towards money and attract more wealth and abundance into their lives. Created by Dr. Steve G. Jones, a clinical hypnotherapist, this program has gained popularity in recent years due to its promise of transforming people's lives.

In this article, we will take a closer look at Total Money Magnetism and analyze its claims to see if it lives up to its promises. We will also examine the program's features, benefits, and drawbacks.

What is Total Money Magnetism?

Total Money Magnetism is a program that aims to help people change their mindset toward money and attract more wealth and abundance into their lives. According to the program's creator, Dr. Steve G. Jones, the key to achieving financial success is to change one's mindset towards money. He believes that people who are successful financially have a certain mindset that allows them to attract more wealth into their lives.

The program includes a variety of tools and techniques that are designed to help people change their mindset toward money. These tools include audio recordings, e-books, and videos. The program is divided into six modules, each of which focuses on a different aspect of achieving financial success.

Module 1: The Wealth Mindset

The first module of Total Money Magnetism focuses on developing a wealth mindset. Dr. Steve G. Jones believes that a person's mindset is the most important factor in determining their financial success. In this module, he teaches people how to develop a mindset that is focused on attracting wealth and abundance.

The module includes audio recordings that are designed to help people reprogram their subconscious minds to focus on attracting wealth. The audio recordings use a technique called hypnosis to help people change their mindset toward money.

Module 2: The Millionaire Mindset

The second module of Total Money Magnetism focuses on developing a millionaire mindset. Dr. Steve G. Jones believes that people who are successful financially have a certain mindset that allows them to attract more wealth into their lives. In this module, he teaches people how to develop a mindset that is focused on becoming a millionaire.

The module includes audio recordings that are designed to help people reprogram their subconscious minds to focus on becoming a millionaire. The audio recordings use a technique called hypnosis to help people change their mindset toward money.

Module 3: The Magnetic Mindset

The third module of Total Money Magnetism focuses on developing a magnetic mindset. Dr. Steve G. Jones believes that people who are successful financially have a certain energy that attracts wealth into their lives. In this module, he teaches people how to develop magnetic energy that attracts wealth.

The module includes audio recordings that are designed to help people develop magnetic energy that attracts wealth. The audio recordings use a technique called hypnosis to help people change their energy toward money.

Module 4: The Money Mindset

The fourth module of Total Money Magnetism focuses on developing a money mindset. Dr. Steve G. Jones believes that people who are successful financially have a certain attitude towards money that allows them to attract more wealth into their lives. In this module, he teaches people how to develop an attitude towards money that is focused on attracting more wealth.

The module includes audio recordings that are designed to help people develop a money mindset that is focused on attracting more wealth. The audio recordings use a technique called hypnosis to help people change their attitude toward money.

Module 5: The Wealth Switch

The fifth module of Total Money Magnetism focuses on activating the wealth switch. Dr. Steve G. Jones believes that people have a wealth switch in their brains that can be activated to attract more wealth into their lives. In this module, he teaches people how to activate their wealth switch and attract more wealth.

The module includes audio recordings that are designed to help people activate their wealth switch. The audio recordings use a technique called hypnosis to help people activate their wealth switch and attract more wealth into their lives.

Module 6: The Money Code

The sixth and final module of Total Money Magnetism focuses on unlocking the money code. Dr. Steve G. Jones believes that there is a secret code that wealthy people use to attract more wealth into their lives. In this module, he teaches people how to unlock the money code and use it to attract more wealth.

The module includes an e-book that explains the money code and how to use it to attract more wealth into your life. The e-book includes practical tips and techniques that you can use to unlock the money code and attract more wealth.

Features of Total Money Magnetism

Total Money Magnetism comes with a variety of features that are designed to help people change their mindset towards money and attract more wealth into their lives. Some of the features of Total Money Magnetism include:

Audio recordings: Total Money Magnetism includes a variety of audio recordings that are designed to help people reprogram their subconscious minds to focus on attracting more wealth into their lives. The audio recordings use a technique called hypnosis to help people change their mindset toward money.

E-books: Total Money Magnetism includes an e-book that explains the money code and how to use it to attract more wealth into your life. The e-book includes practical tips and techniques that you can use to unlock the money code and attract more wealth.

Videos: Total Money Magnetism includes a variety of videos that explain the program and how to use it to attract more wealth into your life. The videos are designed to be informative and easy to understand.

Benefits of Total Money Magnetism

Total Money Magnetism offers a variety of benefits for people who want to attract more wealth into their lives. Some of the benefits of Total Money Magnetism include:

Helps people change their mindset towards money: Total Money Magnetism is designed to help people change their mindset towards money and attract more wealth into their lives. By reprogramming the subconscious mind, people can develop a mindset that is focused on attracting wealth and abundance.

Teaches practical tips and techniques: Total Money Magnetism includes practical tips and techniques that people can use to attract more wealth into their lives. These tips and techniques are based on the experiences of successful people and can be applied to anyone's life.

Easy to use: Total Money Magnetism is designed to be easy to use. The audio recordings, e-books, and videos are all easy to access and understand.

Affordable: Total Money Magnetism is affordable compared to other personal development programs. It offers a lot of value for the price and is accessible to anyone who wants to change their mindset toward money.

Drawbacks of Total Money Magnetism

While Total Money Magnetism offers many benefits, there are also some drawbacks that people should be aware of. Some of the drawbacks of Total Money Magnetism include:

Not a quick fix: Total Money Magnetism is not a quick fix for financial problems. It takes time and effort to change your mindset towards money and attract more wealth into your life.

Not a guarantee: Total Money Magnetism is not a guarantee of financial success. While it offers practical tips and techniques, there is no guarantee that these techniques will work for everyone.

Requires commitment: Total Money Magnetism requires a commitment to changing your mindset toward money. It requires consistent effort and dedication to achieve financial success.


Total Money Magnetism is a program that claims to be a new, huge converter in the field of personal development. Created by Dr. Steve G. Jones, a clinical hypnotherapist, this program is designed to help people change their mindset toward money and attract more wealth into their lives. The program consists of six modules that include audio recordings, e-books, and videos, all designed to help people reprogram their subconscious minds and develop a mindset focused on attracting wealth and abundance.

While Total Money Magnetism offers many benefits, it is not a quick fix or a guarantee of financial success. It requires commitment and consistent effort to achieve financial success. However, the practical tips and techniques provided in the program can be applied to anyone's life and can lead to significant changes in mindset and financial success.

In conclusion, Total Money Magnetism is a program that is worth considering for people who want to change their mindset towards money and attract more wealth into their lives. With its practical tips and techniques, easy-to-use format, and affordable price, it offers a lot of value for those who are committed to achieving financial success.

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