The Art Of Covert Hypnosis - Massive Commissions - Extreme Conversions

 Covert hypnosis is a technique that is used to influence people's minds and behavior without their knowledge or consent. It is a powerful tool that has been used by advertisers, politicians, and salespeople to convince people to do what they want them to do. This article will explore the art of covert hypnosis, its massive commissions, and extreme conversions.

What is Covert Hypnosis?

Covert hypnosis, also known as conversational hypnosis, is a technique used to influence someone's behavior or thoughts without their knowledge. This technique involves using specific language patterns and non-verbal cues to subconsciously persuade someone to take a specific action.

Covert hypnosis is different from traditional hypnosis because it does not involve putting someone into a trance state. Instead, it uses everyday conversation to subtly persuade someone to do what the hypnotist wants them to do. This technique can be used in a variety of situations, such as sales, negotiations, and personal relationships.

How Covert Hypnosis Works:

Covert hypnosis works by accessing the subconscious mind of the person being hypnotized. The subconscious mind is responsible for many of our automatic behaviors, such as breathing and blinking, as well as our emotions and beliefs.

To access the subconscious mind, the hypnotist uses specific language patterns that bypass the conscious mind and go directly to the subconscious mind. These language patterns are designed to create an emotional response in the person being hypnotized, which can then be used to influence their behavior.

For example, the hypnotist may use language patterns that create a sense of urgency or scarcity to convince the person to take action. They may also use language patterns that create a sense of trust or rapport to build a relationship with the person.

Non-verbal cues are also an important part of covert hypnosis. The hypnotist may use subtle gestures or facial expressions to reinforce their message and create a deeper connection with the person being hypnotized.

The Art of Covert Hypnosis:

The art of covert hypnosis is about mastering the techniques of persuasion and influence. It requires a deep understanding of human behavior and the ability to read people's emotions and thoughts.

One of the key skills in covert hypnosis is the ability to build rapport with the person being hypnotized. This involves creating a sense of trust and connection with the person, which can then be used to influence their behavior.

To build rapport, the hypnotist may use techniques such as matching and mirroring, where they mimic the other person's body language and speech patterns. They may also use active listening skills to show the person that they are being heard and understood.

Another key skill in covert hypnosis is the ability to use language patterns effectively. The hypnotist must be able to use language that is persuasive and compelling, while also being subtle and indirect.

Language patterns such as embedded commands and presuppositions are commonly used in covert hypnosis. Embedded commands are phrases that contain a hidden command, such as "You can easily see how this product will benefit you." Presuppositions are statements that assume a certain fact is true, such as "When you make the decision to buy this product..."

Using these language patterns effectively requires practice and skill. The hypnotist must be able to use them in a way that is natural and convincing, without being obvious or manipulative.

The Benefits of Covert Hypnosis:

Covert hypnosis can be a powerful tool in many different situations. It can be used to persuade people to buy a product, convince someone to agree to a negotiation or even improve personal relationships.

One of the key benefits of covert hypnosis is its subtlety. Because it works on a subconscious level, the person being hypnotized may not even realize that they are being influenced. This makes it a very effective technique for persuading people who are resistant to more direct approaches.

Another benefit of covert hypnosis is that it can be used to build long-lasting relationships. By building rapport with someone and influencing their behavior in a positive way, the hypnotist can create a sense of trust and loyalty that can lead to long-term success.

Covert hypnosis can also be used to help people overcome negative behaviors or beliefs. By accessing the subconscious mind, the hypnotist can help the person to change their thought patterns and behaviors in a way that is positive and beneficial.

The Risks of Covert Hypnosis:

While covert hypnosis can be a powerful tool for persuasion and influence, it is important to use it ethically and responsibly. Using covert hypnosis to manipulate or deceive someone is unethical and can have serious consequences.

One of the risks of covert hypnosis is that it can be seen as manipulative or deceptive. If the person being hypnotized becomes aware that they are being influenced without their knowledge or consent, they may feel violated or angry.

Another risk of covert hypnosis is that it can be used to influence people in a negative way. If the hypnotist is not skilled or ethical in their use of the technique, they may use it to manipulate or deceive people for their own gain.

It is important to use covert hypnosis in a responsible and ethical way. This means being transparent about your intentions and using the technique to help people in a positive way.


Covert hypnosis is a powerful tool for persuasion and influence. It involves using specific language patterns and non-verbal cues to access the subconscious mind of the person being hypnotized and influence their behavior.

The art of covert hypnosis involves mastering the techniques of persuasion and influence, including building rapport, using language patterns effectively, and reading people's emotions and thoughts.

While covert hypnosis can be a powerful tool, it is important to use it ethically and responsibly. Using covert hypnosis to manipulate or deceive someone is unethical and can have serious consequences.

Using covert hypnosis in a responsible and ethical way, it can be a powerful tool for building long-lasting relationships, helping people overcome negative behaviors or beliefs, and persuading people in a positive way.

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