11 Sri Yantra For Wealth, Prosperity and Success

Sri Yantra is a mystical diagram, commonly used for meditation and manifestation purposes in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. It is considered to be one of the most powerful and sacred geometrical shapes in the world, representing the union of divine feminine and masculine energies.

The Sri Yantra is a complex mandala with 9 interlocking triangles surrounding a central point, forming 43 smaller triangles. Each of the triangles has a different symbolic meaning, and the entire Yantra represents the cosmos and the human body.

According to Hindu mythology, the Sri Yantra was first revealed to mankind by Lord Shiva to his consort, Goddess Parvati. It is said to possess immense spiritual and metaphysical powers and can help in attracting wealth, prosperity, and success into one's life.

There are different versions of the Sri Yantra, each with its unique symbolism and benefits. In this article, we will discuss 11 Sri Yantras for wealth, prosperity, and success.

Shri Yantra

The Shri Yantra is the most popular and widely used Yantra for attracting wealth and prosperity. It is also known as the Shri Chakra and is made up of nine interlocking triangles, four pointing upward and five pointing downward. The Shri Yantra is believed to represent the cosmic power of the goddess, and the nine triangles symbolize the nine forms of the goddess.

The Shri Yantra is said to be a powerful tool for manifesting abundance, good luck, and success. It is believed that meditating on the Shri Yantra can help to remove obstacles and negative energy from one's life and attract positive energy and abundance.

Kubera Yantra

Kubera is the Hindu god of wealth and prosperity, and the Kubera Yantra is a powerful tool for attracting wealth and financial success. The Yantra is made up of 24 squares, each representing a different aspect of wealth and abundance.

The Kubera Yantra is said to be particularly effective for those who are struggling with financial difficulties, debts, or financial losses. It is believed that meditating on the Kubera Yantra can help to remove financial blockages and attract wealth and abundance into one's life.

Lakshmi Yantra

Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity, and the Lakshmi Yantra is a powerful tool for attracting wealth, abundance, and prosperity. The Yantra is made up of nine interlocking triangles, with a lotus flower in the center.

The Lakshmi Yantra is said to be particularly effective for those who are seeking financial success in their business or career. It is believed that meditating on the Lakshmi Yantra can help to attract abundance and prosperity into one's life, as well as remove financial obstacles and negative energy.

Ganesh Yantra

Ganesh is the Hindu god of success and good fortune, and the Ganesh Yantra is a powerful tool for attracting success and prosperity in all areas of life. The Yantra is made up of nine interlocking triangles, with a lotus flower in the center.

The Ganesh Yantra is said to be particularly effective for those who are seeking success in their personal or professional life. It is believed that meditating on the Ganesh Yantra can help to remove obstacles and negative energy and attract success, good fortune, and prosperity.

Navagraha Yantra

The Navagraha Yantra is a powerful tool for balancing and harmonizing the energies of the nine planets in Vedic astrology. The Yantra is made up of nine squares, each representing a different planet.

The Navagraha Yantra is said to be particularly effective for those who are experiencing negative effects from the planets in their astrological chart. It is believed that meditating on the Navagraha Yantra can help to balance the planetary energies and attract positive outcomes in different areas of life, including wealth, health, and relationships.

Mahalakshmi Yantra

Mahalakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity, and the Mahalakshmi Yantra is a powerful tool for attracting financial success and abundance. The Yantra is made up of nine interlocking triangles, with a lotus flower in the center.

The Mahalakshmi Yantra is said to be particularly effective for those who are facing financial difficulties or want to attract more wealth and abundance into their life. It is believed that meditating on the Mahalakshmi Yantra can help to remove financial obstacles and attract financial prosperity and abundance.

Surya Yantra

Surya is the Hindu god of the sun and the source of life on earth, and the Surya Yantra is a powerful tool for attracting success, vitality, and positive energy. The Yantra is made up of nine interlocking triangles, with a lotus flower in the center.

The Surya Yantra is said to be particularly effective for those who want to increase their vitality, confidence, and success in different areas of life. It is believed that meditating on the Surya Yantra can help to remove negative energy and attract positive outcomes in life.

Saraswati Yantra

Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, wisdom, and creativity, and the Saraswati Yantra is a powerful tool for enhancing creativity, learning, and mental clarity. The Yantra is made up of nine interlocking triangles, with a lotus flower in the center.

The Saraswati Yantra is said to be particularly effective for those who want to enhance their mental abilities, creativity, and learning skills. It is believed that meditating on the Saraswati Yantra can help to enhance one's intellectual abilities, increase concentration and focus, and attract success and recognition in academic and creative pursuits.

Kali Yantra

Kali is the Hindu goddess of time, destruction, and transformation, and the Kali Yantra is a powerful tool for removing negative energy and obstacles from one's life. The Yantra is made up of nine interlocking triangles, with a lotus flower in the center.

The Kali Yantra is said to be particularly effective for those who want to remove negative energy, obstacles, and blockages from their life, and attract positive energy and transformation. It is believed that meditating on the Kali Yantra can help to remove negative karma, fear, and self-doubt, and attract positive outcomes and abundance in life.

Durga Yantra

Durga is the Hindu goddess of strength, courage, and protection, and the Durga Yantra is a powerful tool for enhancing these qualities in one's life. The Yantra is made up of nine interlocking triangles, with a lotus flower in the center.

The Durga Yantra is said to be particularly effective for those who want to enhance their strength, courage, and protection, and overcome obstacles and challenges in life. It is believed that meditating on the Durga Yantra can help to remove negative energy, fear, and self-doubt, and attract positive outcomes and success in life.

Meru Yantra

The Meru Yantra is a three-dimensional Sri Yantra that represents the three levels of the universe, the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. The Yantra is made up of nine interlocking triangles, with a lotus flower in the center.

The Meru Yantra is said to be a powerful tool for attracting abundance, prosperity, and success in all areas of life. It is believed that meditating on the Meru Yantra can help to balance the energies of the universe, remove negative karma and obstacles, and attract positive outcomes and abundance.

How to use Sri Yantras for Wealth, Prosperity, and Success?

To use a Sri Yantra for wealth, prosperity, and success, you can follow these simple steps:

Find a quiet and peaceful place where you can sit comfortably and undisturbed.

Cleanse the Yantra with water or milk and place it in front of you.

Light a candle or incense to create a peaceful and meditative atmosphere.

Sit comfortably and close your eyes, taking a few deep breaths to calm your mind and relax your body.

Focus your attention on the Yantra, gazing at its intricate patterns and shapes.

Visualize the Yantra as a gateway to the divine energy of the universe, and feel its energy flowing into your body and mind.

Repeat a mantra or affirmation that resonates with your intention, such as "I attract abundance and prosperity into my life" or "I am successful and prosperous in all areas of my life."

Continue to meditate on the Yantra for at least 10-15 minutes, allowing its energy to flow through you and align your intentions with the universal energies of abundance and success.

When you are done, thank the divine energy and the Yantra for their guidance and support, and slowly open your eyes.

It is important to note that using Sri Yantras for wealth, prosperity, and success is not a quick fix or a magical solution. It requires dedication, patience, and consistency to see the desired results. You should also focus on taking practical steps and actions toward your goals, such as investing in your skills, networking, and making smart financial decisions.


Sri Yantras are powerful tools for attracting wealth, prosperity, and success into our lives. They represent the cosmic energy and the divine geometry of the universe, and they can help us to align our intentions and actions with the universal energies of abundance and success. 

By meditating on Sri Yantras, we can remove negative energy and obstacles from our lives, enhance our creativity and mental abilities, and attract positive outcomes in all areas of our lives. However, it is important to remember that using Sri Yantras requires dedication, patience, and consistency and that we should also focus on taking practical steps and actions toward our goals.

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